Friday, June 27, 2008


Visualization is a great technique of imagination, which you can utilize to generate pictures in your mind. It is a method of giving your mind chances to imagine what you want in your life. Albert Eistein once said “imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attraction.” There are several reasons why you have to choose this method to accelerate your engine towards success:

  • · It stimulates creative powers of your subconscious mind.
  • · It focuses your brain to notice available resources that are always there but were previously unnoticed.
  • · It attracts you to people, resources and opportunities you need to accomplish your dream.
  • · It boosts your little confidence to a high level of self-believe.
  • · It initiates your mechanism of action rather than just having numerous plans that are not carried out to reality.
The process of visualizing for success can be done anywhere and anytime you want. For instance, you can use it each morning you wake up from bed, each time when you are relaxing, each night before you go to bed, etc. It only takes a few minutes, usually between 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how many goals you have. The more goals you have, the longer is the duration of visualization you have to practice. But I recommend you to visualize those goals that can give you the gratification you thirst for.

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